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(pic# 101)
yep, we were a motley crew

(pic# 102)
Rani had problems with his head fleas again

(pic# 103)
what the hell was I doing to get two extreme looks like that ?!

(pic# 104)
00:15am on a bridge over the river in Salzburg

(pic# 105)
and Andre and Rani manage to join us too

(pic# 106)
14 seconds in the bar, and he manages to score already ?!??!
only HE could be so happy about that.

(pic# 107)
his score finally realizes someone is taking pictures

(pic# 108)
not the brightest cookie in Salzburg,
but does that bother our choir boy...? NO!

(pic# 109)
he smiles and continues hoping I will leave them alone

(pic# 110)
then he finally gives up and shows everything that he has to offer

(pic# 111)
which Emily disapproved of

(pic# 112)
Andre and Andy were fascinated by its SIZE

(pic# 113)
though the bartender had already seen much smaller before

(pic# 114)
gotta love sparkling wine and redbull on the rocks

(pic# 115)
still so young and beautiful... and her bright smile

(pic# 116)
damn why don't they just get a room?

(pic# 117)
so this is the Zwei Stein bar - (2 Rocks bar)

(pic# 118)
its a really quaint "family" bar located right on the river

(pic# 119)
upstairs was "boys only" and they had really nice stuff playing on the TV

(pic# 120)
but they closed that shortly after we arrived

(pic# 121)
and the bartender who ran after me after I walked outside for a minute
cause he thought I wasn't paying my tab

(pic# 122)
yes, I think everyone was having a great time

(pic# 123)
music was pretty cool --- little dance, lil pop, lots of Madonna

(pic# 124)
busted by flirting AGAIN

(pic# 125)
two friends reunited after 9 years (or so)


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